DSTV South Africa Customer Care:
Customers can get the solution of their queries by calling on DSTV South Africa Customer Care Number that is 0839003788. Customers can call on DSTV South Africa Customer Care Number from 07:00 to 23:00. You can also dial the costumer service number according to your zone.
Johannesburg: (011) 289 2222
Pretoria: (012) 422 2222
Durban: (031) 710 2222
Cape Town: (021) 508 2222
Port Elizabeth: (041) 395 2222
Bloemfontein: (051) 503 2222
DSTV South Africa Address:
Check out the registered head office of this company and get to know more about it. You can also clear all your doubts by reaching the respective address.
Zone Address
Randburg Cnr Oak and Grove Street, Ferndale, Randburg
Centurion Lakeside Building A, First floor, Gordon Hood Road
Umhlanga Rocks The Glass House, 309 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Umhlanga
Durban Sky Towers, 275 Anton Lembede Street, Durban Central